Gas Processing

The Company's gas processing plants processed 411 and 406 mln cubic meters of gas, respectively, in 2017. We produced 395 mln cubic meters of dry stripped gas, 756,000 tonnes of light hydrocarbon fractions, 188,000 tonnes of ethane fraction and 42,000 tonnes of sulphur

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Crude Oil Refining

Our production facility has the capability to produce all types petroleum byproducts with high-quality performance and environmental friendly characteristics.

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Oil Field Exploration

We ensure a maximum utilization of the modern geological and hydrodynamics modeling as well as the latest drilling technics

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Oil Drilling Production

Our company implementes a drilling production modernization technic, which includes state of the art refining production unit, 

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Crude Oil Refining

"KASPIJ NEFT TME"   is one the major oil producing refinery in the Kazakhstan Federation. In recent years, the Company’s refining activities have been focused on meeting the market demand for quality petroleum products. 

Over a number of years, "KASPIJ NEFT TME"  has consistently implemented a refinery modernization program,including reconstruction and modernization of its production unit, which has improved the quality of products and increased their competition value. It is the most ambitious program for the modernization of oil refining facilities in the oil industry. Within this program, our facility production switched 100% of motor fuels to Euro-5 class for the country domestic market, as required by the Technical Regulations.

Our refinery produces petroleum products with high-quality performance and environmental characteristics, including motor fuels, aromatics, liquid paraffin, roofing and insulation materials, etc. Diesel fuel, jet fuel, roofing materials and bitumens produced by the refinery meet international quality standards. From year to year, "KASPIJ NEFT TME"  regularly upgrades its production facilities. The Refinery implements an innovation strategy of phased improvement of process flow diagram aimed at further enhancement of petroleum products quality,
operating expenditures reduction and industrial and environmental safety improvement.  

Our Mission

To provide a top notch solutions to the oil Industry worldwide. As a oil company we strive to provide the best solutions to a wide range of social and industrial needs across the globe.

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