Gas Processing

The Company's gas processing plants processed 411 and 406 mln cubic meters of gas, respectively, in 2017. We produced 395 mln cubic meters of dry stripped gas, 756,000 tonnes of light hydrocarbon fractions, 188,000 tonnes of ethane fraction and 42,000 tonnes of sulphur

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Crude Oil Refining

Our production facility has the capability to produce all types petroleum byproducts with high-quality performance and environmental friendly characteristics.

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Oil Field Exploration

We ensure a maximum utilization of the modern geological and hydrodynamics modeling as well as the latest drilling technics

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Oil Drilling Production

Our company implementes a drilling production modernization technic, which includes state of the art refining production unit, 

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Petroleum Marketing

"KASPIJ NEFT TME"  sells crude oil, gas and petroleum products in the domestic and international markets, driving optimal distribution of flows to fit the market. The Company owns crude oil and petroleum products transshipment facilities, as well as pipelines, which helps minimize transportation costs. 

Caspian Oil TME" pursues an effective marketing policy and owns a developed infrastructure for the sale of petroleum products in the domestic and international markets. "KASPIJ NEFT TME"  significantly increased export sales of petroleum products to 25.3 million tons in 2018 (against 10.2 million tons in 2019). In 2018, the Company was able to successfully increase the market value of high-quality fuel oil produced at the refinery due to separate deliveries of this product to the ports of the Baltic and Black Sea. 

The company continuously monitors the economic efficiency of the oil monetization channels, which helps it maximize the share of high-margin channels in the overall sales structure. In 2017 the Company supplied about 1.2 million tons of oil to its own plants in the country region, which is 15% higher than the level of 2018 deliveries (taking into account the deliveries to refineries since October 2018). Thegrowth in supply volumes was mainly due to the acquisition in 2019. In addition to oil supply to its own refineries in Russia, in 2019, the Company supplied 1.1 million tons of its own oil to the plants with a participation share of the Company, which is 3% more than in 2016. 

The volume of oil sales to the neighboring and far-abroad countries amounted to 2.8 million tons in 2018. Among the export directions of oil sales, the eastern direction is the most economically attractive for the Company – deliveries via the pipeline to China, sales in the ports of Kozmino and De Kastri.

The volume of supplies to the East in 2020 amounted to 7.7 million tons, which is 10.7% more than over the same period last year. In addition, the Company sold 65.7 million tons of oil to the North-West, Central and Eastern Europe, to the Mediterranean countries and other destinations of the far abroad. Exports to the CIS totaled 8 million tons.

Our Mission

To provide a top notch solutions to the oil Industry worldwide. As a oil company we strive to provide the best solutions to a wide range of social and industrial needs across the globe.

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